Manicures, Pedicures, and More!
Same day appointments available
and walk-ins welcomed.
Same day appointments available
and walk-ins welcomed.
We offer an excellent variety of high quality polishes, gels and non toxic brands. Choose from a multitude of colors to match your style or design. Special accommodations are available for wedding parties or large groups for any special occasions.
We want to be there for you but also value your time. We know your week can be busy so please call and schedule ahead, as we offer flexible hours to accommodate you. If you have a specific time and date in mind, call (215) 659-2225.
Floris Nails and Spa prides ourselves with top of the line manicures and pedicures from experienced and licensed professionals. We focus on the health of your nails and overall well being. Following state guidelines and CDC regulations, we keep you relaxed, refreshed, and 100% satisfied with our service.
Send a gift card to friends and family. Purchase in store or over the phone. We will even mail your gift card for you.
Download Stamp Me and get an instant $10 reward towards your next visit! It's free and easy to install on your phone. Keep track of your visits to earn even more rewards and hear about discounts and promotions through the app.
All Employees Are Fully Vaccinated
Mask Recommended
Hand Sanitizer Available
Plexiglass Barriers In Place
Clients Socially Distanced
Stations Disinfected After Each Use
All Tools Sterilized
Disposable Items In Use
Ventilation System Running 24 Hours